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Diagnostic & Scan Tools



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Mechpro OBD2 Scanner and Code Reader - MPBCR101

Mechpro OBD2 Scanner and Code Reader - MPBCR101

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Foxwell OBD2 Scanner and Code Reader - ET2707

Foxwell OBD2 Scanner and Code Reader - ET2707

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Mechpro 12v Timing Light - MPBTL1

Mechpro 12v Timing Light - MPBTL1

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Aerpro Bullant Inspection Camera - G5000

Aerpro Bullant Inspection Camera - G5000

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Projecta 1000A Clamp Meter - DT1000

Projecta 1000A Clamp Meter - DT1000

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Motortech Tyre Shine 400g

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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 products

Diagnose with an OBD2 Scanner from Repco

An OBD2 scan tool from Repco helps you easily understand engine fault codes

When that engine warning light comes on it pays not to ignore it. Repco's range of OBD2 Scan Tool and diagnostic equipment can help you understand vehicle errors with a minimum of fuss and hassle. Repco stock the best in scan tools from Foxwell, Endeavour and Codebreaker to enable quick and easy fault code diagnosis and more. Undiagnosed engine fault codes or errors can lead to thousands of dollars in repairs, so do yourself a favour and arm yourself with a quality OBD2 Scanner from Repco.

Modern vehicles are loaded with critical switches and sensors all designed to monitor and report on the condition and function of your engine. A quality OBD2 scanner easily enables you to scan and check diagnostic trouble codes generated by your vehicle at the first sign of trouble. From there it is simply a case of deciphering the engine error code and replacing or repairing the affected component, thereby saving you time and money when employing a mechanic to do this.

What is OBD2 and what does it do?

OBD stands for On-Board Diagnostics, and the OBD2 protocol is a more comprehensive range of vehicle monitoring over the previous OBD1 system. Whilst OBD1 typically monitors only vehicle emissions systems, an OBD2 system will monitor Emissions as well as Engine, Transmission, Braking and Airbag functions.

The OBD2 standard provides lists of standardised DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) error codes from their database. A DTC come as 4 digits, preceded by P powertrain, B body, C chassis and U network. Even the simplest OBD2 reader has the ability to read these codes, with the added functionality enabling diagnostic trouble codes to be cleared once the repair has been completed and the ability to turn off the check engine light.

How to use a vehicle scan tool

Your OBD2 scan tool is simple to use and doesn't require any specific training in extracting fault code information from your vehicle. Whilst different model of scanner may feature different functionality, the general process and usage of an OBD2 code reader is quite consistent.

  1. Firstly, ensure your vehicle is OBDII compliant. Most vehicles since 1996 are OBD2 compliant but it is always best to check your owner's manual first.
  2. Once confirmed, locate the OBD2 port which is generally located underneath your steering wheel, drivers footwell or in your car's control panel. Your vehicle's service manual will display the location of the OBDII port if not immediately apparent.
  3. Turn off the ignition / power of your vehicle. Take the OBD scanner tool and plug it into the OBD2 port, once inserted the OBD2 scanner will turn on from the car's existing power source.
  4. Once the scan tool is connected, turn your cars ignition on and wait for the OBDII scanner to boot up. This will be done automatically. If not, press the power button to initialise.
  5. When the scanner is on and ready, it will automatically pick up the specific data from your vehicle's VIN identifier and the scan tool will begin to analyse and read your vehicle's diagnostic system.
  6. Once completed the OBD2 scanner will provide a display of dignostic trouble codes that have been found. Take note of these codes and use the instruction manual to check these codes to get a full understanding of what they refer to and what they mean.
  7. Having found and fixed the problem advised, you can clear the fault code in the system. Alternatively you can clear the DTC in the interim and fix the problem at a later date.
  8. Once all the on board monitors have been checked and faults cleared you can disconnect the OBD2 plug from the port without any issues

How to decipher diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)

As previously noted, the OBD2 protocol consists of codes that are five characters long and each of these characters refers to a particular issue or vehicle location. Below is a simple breakdown of these codes digit by digit to enable correct diagnosis.

First DTC character

This first character will refer to the location of the fault on the vehicle

  • P Codes - P stands for powertrain, meaning the issue is related to engine functions, transmission, or drivetrain.
  • C Codes - C codes cover chassis functions such as steering, suspension, and brakes.
  • B Codes - Vehicle body codes refer to safety and comfort features inside the driver's cabin.
  • U Codes - U codes cover all the network and vehicle integration functions that the OBD manages.

Second DTC character

The second character in this code is a numeric digit and it is almost always 0 or 1

  • 0 - A zero means the code is generic and applicable to all vehicles following the OBD2 international standard. In fleet vehicle management, this encompasses the vast majority of vehicles.
  • 1 - This denotes a manufacturer-specific code, which is not generic across all vehicles.

Third DTC character

When the second character is a zero, the third character tells you which subsystems are at fault. There are eight categories:

  • 0 - Fuel and air metering, and auxiliary emission controls
  • 1 - Fuel and air metering
  • 2 - Fuel and air metering (injector circuit)
  • 3 - Ignition systems or misfires
  • 4 - Emission controls
  • 5 - Vehicle speed control, idle control systems, and auxiliary inputs
  • 6 - Computer and output circuit
  • 7 - Transmission

When the second character is a '1', this numbering system does not apply, and you should contact the manufacturer directly for further details.

Fourth and fifth DTC character

These last 2 characters are referred to as the "Specific Fault Index" and are combined to specify the exact problem with your vehicle (again, presuming, the second character is a zero and the issue is generic).

Repco stock an OBD2 scanner for your needs and your budget

As one of the pre-eminent maufacturers of affordable OBD2 scan tools, Foxwell are one of the most popular sellers when looking for a personal OBD scanner. Their ET2707 diagnostic scanner is your key to quick and easy diagnosis to a wide range of fault codes and vehicle ECU issues. Utilising their easy to operate menus give you the ability to freeze frame data and reference check online information to ensure accurate repairs to your vehicle.

Foxwell pride themselves on providing free data updates to provide you the ability to utilise software updates ensuring access to service bulletins and the latest manufacturer codes. Foxwell also have an extremely comprehensive web site that provides both information and customer support should you any issues with your purchase or wish to explore the full range and capabilities of their OBD2 scanners.

All Foxwell OBD2 scanners come with an I/M readiness status indicator to show quickly and easily if there are issues or fault codes detected from your vehicle emissions system. This Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) readiness check is conducted against up to 15 onboard monitors to ensure all systems and sensors in your emission system are functioning correctly.

Save time and money with the great range of diagnostic tools and scanners at Repco

Vehicle scan tools can provide a multitude of live data to provide diagnosis between services and you to keep your vehicle out of the repair shop. Measuring spark advance, engine speed, coolant temperature, and a whole host of functions from your driver's seat enables cost effective troubleshooting of what goes on in your engine bay.

We also stock inspection cameras, thermal imaging cameras and borescopes to provide that visual verification of vehicle issues and problems. When workshop scan tools used by mechanics costs anywhere from $1500 upwards, it makes financial sense to equip yourself with affordable diagnostic tools from Repco.

Check out the full range of engine diagnostics, specialty automotive tools and general garage equipment online or at a Repco store near you.