Contact Us

Thank you for visiting us at
If there is anything our team can assist you with please do not hesitate to get in contact with the team at Repco.
To help guide your enquiry please see the below options for contacting us:


Ways to contact the team at Repco
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Enquiring about a Product or Service?

If you would like to know more about a specific product or service Repco offers then you can contact your local store directly as our store personnel are the experts when it comes to parts knowledge. To find the contact details for your closest store please use our store selector.

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By email - [email protected]

If you would like to provide feedback or submit an inquiry via email please send directly to [email protected] and our team will respond to you within 24 hours.

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General Enquiries - 0800 003 030

If you would like to personally speak with one of our team regarding your experience or any other matters they can be contacted directly on 0800 003 030.

Our team operate 7 days a week from our centralised Customer Service Centre and will be on hand to take your call.

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Have you got some feedback on our website?

We are always looking for ways to improve your online experience and make it easier to find the right products and parts you are after. The best way of providing feedback regarding your online experience is by leaving feedback via our online feedback tool.

Look for the "Feedback" label on the right hand side of the screen or click here to leave your feedback.