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Gear Up Metal Sign - Notice Im Busy Now

SKU: A6116093
Multi-Buy Available 2 for $30

$21 each

  • Humour and novelty themed tin sign
  • Perfect addition for entertaining areas, bars, workshops, garages and mancaves
  • Great gift idea
  • Size: 399mm x 304mm

Decorative Tin Signs - Customise and personalise your space

With such a diverse range of styles, our decorative tin sign range is the ideal gift idea for Mum, Dad, brothers, sisters and friends alike. A tin sign is great for sprucing up the BBQ area, man cave, garage, workshop or bedroom by adding some unique styling from your favourite brands. A metal sign makes for a great talking point to any visitor and the splash of colour is sure to compliment any space you wish to decorate or personalise. These signs look great on their own, but with such a diverse range of styles why not built a collection and fully customise your space?

Just some of the styles we offer include:

  • Coca-Cola
  • Chevy
  • Classic Mustang
  • Route 66
  • Indian Motorcycles
  • Goodyear

We also offer a range of tin signs with funny slogans or catch phrases as well as a series of heritage Repco logos dating back to the 1930's so you can display your pride and passion for supporting one of the most long-stating automotive suppliers in Australia. To shop our range of decorative signs, thermometers and other gift ideas, browse the website or head into your local Repco store and get collecting!